HER: Activate the Goddess Within
HER: Activate the Goddess Within
The Goddess way to rise in love, pleasure and purpose.
The call to life is getting louder and louder.
What was once a gentle whisper is now pulsing through your body.
You know you have more to give this world; yet something is holding you back. You know you have more to receive from this world; yet it doesn't seem within reach.
There are days or moments when you feel in your power but you long to be solidified within it.
What if you knew that the power of the Goddess is already within you?
That the divine being that you are is waiting to express its light and power through you.
And all you need to do is connect with HER; she is waiting.
This will be a mystical experience of passion, eros and depth.
We are going deep into your cells to recode past life and generational blocks that are unconsciously holding you back from owning your power & claiming your birthright.
What you will experience:
💙 Connect with the Goddess within to access & deepen into your purpose.
💙 Somatically release what is holding you back from going all in on this very existence.
💙 Alchemise past life wounds & generational conditioning so that you feel safe to move forward.
💙 Unlock codes and wisdom within your soul; from this point you will tapped in and so turned on you just can't wait to share them with the world.
💙 Open up your receptive channels to receive more love, pleasure & abundance.
The potency inside:
1 Embodiment Practice:
Through a somatic ritual you will move beyond what is stored within the cells of your being.
You will travel to the depths of your shadows so they can be integrated into the light.
This will be a powerful practice to cultivate safety within your body so the Goddess can shine through.
1 Past Life Journey:
You will unlock codes and potent wisdom that is within your soul.
You will witness medicine and magic that you have already carried out over lifetimes.
This will be an insightful journey where you will uncover what has been holding you back AND what is beckoning you forward.
1 Pleasure Ceremony:
We will journey deep into pleasure so that you can recode your body to open up its natural receptive abilities.
In this sacred practice you will connect deep with the desires of the divine feminine so that she can be fully unleashed into this world.
The Goddess wants to be in pleasure and from this place she radiates truth.
Please note there is no live component to HER. This is a self paced course.
This is for the woman who is ready to…
⚡️ Step into her power and stop playing small.
⚡️ Release the conditioned masculine way of being and deepen into the feminine.
⚡️ Go all in on her purpose through pleasure & conviction.
⚡️ Cultivate deeper intimacy within relationships and open her heart space.
⚡️Answer the call of the Goddess.....something about this experience maybe speaking to you…you can hear her say YES PLEASE!!!!!! (Not through the mind but within your body!).
The vibes inside this mystical temple of transformation…
We are rewilding the feminine.
Unlocking codes and wisdom that have been long since forgotten; but are ready to come forward.
Accessing the creatrix within so that you can build a life so filled with love and pleasure; from this state of being you can’t help but bring it into your business.
Life & business will never be the same again.
You get to do it your way…through HER.
What others are saying….
When Cheryl says her work is difficult to put into words, it’s true. Afterwards, my soul always feels like it’s been wrapped in soft silk.
During Her, I was able to dive deeper into surrender and leaned into my soul’s truth. I released the patter of micromanaging my life and learned to have faith in the flow of life.
Working with Cheryl is so unique!
The practices Cheryl led us through came on the right day, at just the right time. It was more than the practices themselves that had me tapping into my power and my goddess frequency. It was Cheryl’s energy and that of the beautiful souls she called in that transformed my connection to the goddess within.
That’s not to say it was all rainbows and butterflies, feeling the goddess energy meant feeling the darkness at a higher intensity, even on seemingly good days. But I knew the goddess energy was there for me to choose, when ready. Having the group chat meant I could tap in when at my lowest for guidance and support. I had the fortune of connecting with one particular soul in the group whose life experiences are eerily similar to my own!
The cherry on top for this course, and all of Cheryl’s courses, are the intuitive messages she shares from a perfectly objective point of view, that land right when you need them.
Thank you Cheryl for this transformative experience.